lawyer Archives - Page 188 of 223 - AŞIKOĞLU LAW OFFİCE
Aşıkoğlu started his position as the Alanya Public Prosecutor in 2009 and continued until 2013 when he quit his position to initiate his career as an attorney at law.
alanya,hukuk,bürosu,avukat,dava,danışma,mehmet,aşıkoğlu,mehmet aşıkoğlu,savcı,eski,ceza,ticaret,haciz,alacak,borçlar,Mehemet,Aşıkoğlu,alanya,avukat,hukuk,bürosu,alanya avukat, mehmet aşıkoğlu, alanya hukuk bürosu,Kerim Uysal,Kerem Yağdır,ahmet sezer, mustafa demir, hüsnü sert, jale karakaya, murat aydemir, ayşegül yanmaz
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... To the notary.
Acting :
Subject: notice of damage
1 -) Our client ... owned by his company ... model,.. .. …. license plate numbered vehicle, ... / ... / ... arranged by you on ....... no. traffic...
E. 2011/10-482 K. 2012/1784 T. 25.9.2012
Case: defendant L. on drug trafficking charge H.'s No. 5237 188/3, 62, 53 and 63. in accordance with the Articles 4 years 2 months imprisonment and 2.000 Lira judicial fine related to the punishment, Izmir 3. The...
T.C. Supreme Court 4. Department of law E. 2015/702, K. 2016/173, T. 11.1.2016
* Request for moral compensation because the plaintiff'S lawyer has been wrongfully complained to the bar ( it is decided by the bar that there is no room for disciplinary proceedings)/the words used...
T.C. Supreme Court 11. Criminal division E. 2013/755, K. 2015/22745, T. 23.02.2015
* Prosecution of the deed that the lawyer knows has been falsified ( falsification in the official document – the defendant does not know that falsification has been done on the deed subject to...
This agreement is intended to record the basis for the termination of the contract by agreement on / ...
Article 1-name and center of the Association;
Name Of Association : ...
Article 1-Section 1 ;
Ship broker
Place and history
Bearing/commercial center (Kl.1)
Commuters / commercial center (Kl.1)
The ship's name (Kl.1)
GT / NT(Kl.1)
Summer line load capacity over M/Ton – dwt (Kl.1)
The location of the ship as of the present time (Kl.1)
Estimated loading readiness date (Kl.1)
The loading port or location...
HMK 389. If the court is concerned that the right will be significantly difficult or completely impossible to obtain due to a change in the current situation, or that a disadvantage or serious harm will arise due to delay, an injunction decision may be issued...
The spread of Internet use and the easing of the access of large public kits to the internet has brought with it a number of legal problems. Considering this aspect, it will be appreciated that serious legal development has been achieved with the adoption of...
According to statistical data, ninety percent of traffic accidents are damaged property. Traffic accidents that occur can be fatal, injurious and property damaged. The vehicles involved in the accident in traffic accidents with damaged property can issue an accident determination report among themselves without calling...