22 Aug Heritage Sharing Agreement
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The crime of corruption occurs when a public official makes a promise to benefit or benefit from the persons he / she is dealing with by abusing his / her influence while he / she is performing his / her duty. TCK md.The crime of incitement...
The crime of incitement is not subject to complaint. Therefore, the prosecution starts an investigation when it is aware that the crime has been committed. The statute of limitations for this crime is 15 years. If the crime is reported during this period from the date...
Effective remorse provisions do not apply to this offence. However, the prison sentence can be reduced up to 1/2 (TCK md.250/4)....
(1) a public official who instigates a person to benefit himself or anyone else by abusing the influence provided by his / her duty, or to make promises in this way, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of five to ten years. The existence of the...
Embezzlement is not a crime that depends on the complaint. The prosecution may start an investigation after the crime has been committed. The statute of limitations for embezzlement is 15 years. An investigation and prosecution can be carried out within this time by notifying the...
FAMILY COURT Requesting: A...
Property Separation Regime within the framework of the following provisions: 1- Each of the spouses will have the right of management, use and disposal on their own assets within the legal limits. 2- The spouse who claims that a certain property belongs to him will...
T.C. SUPREME 11.Legal Department Basis: 2003/13739 Verdict: 2004/8533 Decision Date: 20.09.2004 Case: Şereflikoçhisar First Instance in the case seen between the parties 2.Examination of the decision no. 2002/98-2003/107 of 26.06.2003 issued by the court of Cassation by the court of Cassation was requested by the deputy plaintiff and the defendant...