Rights Protected By The European Convention On Human Rights - AŞIKOĞLU LAW OFFİCE
Aşıkoğlu started his position as the Alanya Public Prosecutor in 2009 and continued until 2013 when he quit his position to initiate his career as an attorney at law.
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Rights Protected By The European Convention On Human Rights

Rights Protected By The European Convention On Human Rights

Rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights

2 to 14 of the convention on rights regulated by the European Convention on Human Rights. the clauses are arranged between.

Article; obligation to respect human rights,
Article; right to life,
Article; Prohibition of torture and ill-treatment,
Article; Prohibition of slavery and forced labor,
Article; the right to the security and freedom of the person,
Article; Right To A Fair Trial,
Article; the principle of lawless crime and no punishment,
Article; the principle of respect for private life and family life,
Article; freedom of thought, conscience and religion,
Article; freedom of expression,
Article; freedom of Assembly and association,
Article; right to marry,
Article; the right to an effective legal remedy,
The article regulates the Prohibition of discrimination.
The rights protected by the ECHR additional protocols are::

Protocol No. 1;

Protection of property right,
Right To Education,
The right to free choice,
Protocol Number 4;

Right to be deprived of Liberty due to debt,
Right to free movement,
Ban on deportation of citizens,
Ban on collective deportation of foreigners,
Protocol Number 6;

The abolition of the death penalty
Protocol 7;

Procedural safeguards for deportation of foreigners,
Right to two-degree trial in criminal matters,
Right to compensation in case of judicial error,
The right not to be tried and punished twice for the same crime,
Equality between spouses.
Protocol Number 12;

Prohibition of discrimination in general.
The rights imposed by additional protocols may be advanced against states that sign and ratify the protocols.

Legal nature and fulfillment of ECtHR decisions

The European Court of Human Rights is not a court above the national courts, that is, where there is an application for remedies. In other words, national law is not a place of Appeal for decisions made by courts. As a rule, the ECHR cannot overturn or amend National Court decisions. In the decisions of the ECtHR in favour of the applicant, the contracting state has no authority to intervene directly in order to fulfill the requirements of the decision. On the other hand, both the 90th amendment of the Constitution. it is not possible that the decisions of the ECtHR will not be fulfilled when the article of the convention and the obligations of the contracting states are taken into account.

Payment Of Reparations Ruled By The ECHR

Reparations determined in the ECtHR decisions must be requested by a petition to be sent to the Human Rights Department of the Ministry of Justice after the decisions have been finalised. If requested, the reparations are deposited in the bank account stated in the applicant’s petition within three months.

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