Aşıkoğlu started his position as the Alanya Public Prosecutor in 2009 and continued until 2013 when he quit his position to initiate his career as an attorney at law.
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The people that have signatures below, … and … born had married in … date and accepted community of goods regime due to articles below.

1-Goods other than personal goods and their income will constitute the goods of the partnership. The parties will have these goods as an undivided whole, and none of them will be able to save on the partnership share alone.


2-The items that are in the personal use of the parties and the non-pecuniary compensation that they will receive will legally constitute personal property. In addition, gratuitous earnings of individuals and third parties will be included in the personal property section.


3-All asset values that cannot be proven to be personal property will be considered partnership property.


4-The parties will manage the partnership goods in accordance with the interests of the marriage union, be able to place the partnership under obligation within the usual management limits and save money on the goods.


The parties will be able to put the partnership under obligation or save money on the goods by obtaining the consent of the other outside the usual management.


5-If one of the parties performs a profession or art alone by using the goods of the partnership with the consent of the other, the interested party will be able to perform all legal actions related to this profession and art alone.


6-The parties may not refuse a legacy that will enter into the partnership’s property without the consent of the other, nor may they accept a legacy if it is in arrears.


7-In case of termination of the partnership, the parties will be responsible as proxies for the transactions related to the partnership goods.


8-Management expenses will be covered from the partnership’s assets.


9-The parties will be able to manage and save their personal property within their legal limits. Their management expenses will be covered from the proceeds of personal property.


10-the parties of the marriage or partnership represents the Union the authority to manage their property on the basis of their debts, revenues from goods entering the art profession or by using the affiliate or property due to the execution of one of the parties from their obligations who bore personal responsibility for debts, personal assets, in addition to the partnership of the property in agreement with the parties that his debts will be responsible to third parties, personal parties and will be responsible with your affiliate products.


11-Each of the parties will be responsible for all other debts to the extent of their personal property and half of the value of the partnership’s property.


12-Social Security or social assistance payments or compensation paid to institutions which are made by the wholesale loss of the workforce, hence instead of a lump sum payment or compensation Social Security or social assistance were tied to the institution by a lifetime annuity if the property regime of capital income is translated at the end of the advance for the next period, what would be the value if it was that during the liquidation amount shall be considered as personal property.


13-If the debts of personal goods have been paid off from the partnership goods or the debts of the partnership goods have been paid off from the personal goods, the equalization will be made during liquidation.


14-Each debt will put the segment of goods to which it belongs under obligation, and those that cannot be understood to which segment it belongs will be considered as partnership goods.


15-one of US goods entering or affiliate with the acquisition of the assets of another personal sector, contributing to the improvement or preservation if it is the increase in the value of the share shall apply to all possible answers.


16-When the goods regime ends, the moment of liquidation will be taken as the basis for evaluating the existing partnership goods.


17-In the event of the death of one of the parties or the adoption of another property regime, half of the partnership’s property will be given to each spouse or their heirs. The parties may conclude an agreement on changing the legal division.


18- In the event of the death of one of the parties, the survivor may request that the acquired goods be given to him in addition to the share of those that may be considered his personal property in the participation regime.


19-Family housing and household items included in the partnership’s property may request that their ownership be given to them in the event of the death of one of the parties, deducted from the surviving spouse’s share of the inheritance.


20-The parties may request that the values of other assets other than the housing and household items they live with that have a superior benefit for them be given to them in addition to the liquidation share.


21- This agreement was signed on …/…/… date.



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