Claim For Compensation For Lack Of Support - AŞIKOĞLU LAW OFFİCE
Aşıkoğlu started his position as the Alanya Public Prosecutor in 2009 and continued until 2013 when he quit his position to initiate his career as an attorney at law.
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Claim For Compensation For Lack Of Support

Claim For Compensation For Lack Of Support


Claimant : first and last name

Address :

Regents :

Address :

Defendant: first and last name

Address :

Subject:.…. TL is related to the demand for compensation for lack of support.


1. … / … / …the deceased was killed … … when the vehicle with the license plate …… in which our client’s wife, muris … … was located … … on the highway … … was struck … … by the vehicle with the license plate … … which was used by the defendant … … in the opposite direction.

2. … The defendant’s defect rate is %in the expert witness report presented in the criminal case in the Criminal Court of First Instance.. it has been identified as.

3. The deceased has been working as a member of the …AT … since … and his salary is … TL. Our client, the defendant, is a housewife and does not have any income.Of course, his only support was his late wife, and upon her death, our client was completely out of support.

4.For the reasons described, without prejudice to our rights relating to excess … TL material compensation is taken from the defendant and the client is obliged to open this case in order to pay.

Legal Evidence : Probate Proclamation,.. Criminal Court Of First Instance …./.. E.numbered file, expert report presented in criminal file, witnesses, registration of population and all kinds of evidence.

Legal reason: BK md. 45 and related legislation

Result and claim: for the reasons described above, without prejudice to our rights to excess …… TL. we demand and demand that the compensation for lack of support be collected from the defendant and that the costs of the trial and the retainer fee be charged to the other party.


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