Breach Of Contract In Lease Agreements - AŞIKOĞLU LAW OFFİCE
Aşıkoğlu started his position as the Alanya Public Prosecutor in 2009 and continued until 2013 when he quit his position to initiate his career as an attorney at law.
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Breach Of Contract In Lease Agreements

Breach Of Contract In Lease Agreements

Using It With Care And Respecting Neighbors
– Akte-
The lessee is obliged to use the lessor with care in accordance with the contract between the parties and to show respect to the persons sitting in the real estate where the lessor is located and to the neighbors.
If the lessee acts contrary to this obligation, the lessor may give a written warning that the lease of the residence and roofed workplace will be resolved by giving a period of at least thirty days,otherwise the contract will be terminated. In other rental relations,the lessor may immediately terminate the contract with written notice without prior notice to the lessee.
If the tenant intentionally causes severe damage to the tenant, understands that the time to be given to the tenant will be useless, or if the tenant’s behavior contrary to this obligation is unbearable from the point of view of the lessor or people living in separate real estate and neighbors, the lessor may immediately terminate the contract without the need for a written warning.
In this article, Housing and roofed workplace rents must be given a period of at least 30 days due to contravention of the law.
In case of contravention of the contract in other rental agreements other than housing and a roofed workplace, the contract may be terminated with a written warning without a period of time.

Right To Sue For Violation Of The Law
* The right to sue belongs to the lessor, who is a party to the contract.
* Malik, who is not in the case of the lessor, does not have the right to sue.
* The new owner can sue as the successor of the lessor.
• If the lessee changes hands after the lawsuit is filed, it is possible to continue the case only with the assignment.

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