A case of adding, changing, or correcting a name is a type of case that we often encounter in practice. People may not be called by the names given by their parents or they may not be recognized, or they may october be referred to by another name. In this case, it is necessary to mention the existence of a case for adding names. For example, if a person named Ahmet is known by the name of Ahmet Hasan by his circle of friends, work or school life, it is necessary for the person to file a lawsuit requesting that the name be added.
The purpose of this case and the persons who have made a request must file a name inclusion lawsuit in the nature that includes these requests. The main element in terms of changing the name or adding a new name is the concept of proof. The existence and proof of a justifiable reason is being sought in order to be named by the court in the case that will be opened.
Our legal legislation has included what can be considered a justified reason for a justified reason, and various case law has been formed due to the decisions of the Supreme Court. However, the justifiable reasons contained in the legislation and specified in the case law are not of a limiting nature. The judge appreciates whether a justifiable reason has been put forward by the plaintiff in a concrete case for adding a name.
A person can request that a name with a meaning be added so that it does not contradict traditional customs. The name that needs to be added must be in accordance with the Turkish alphabet.
You can read other articles and petition examples by clicking here.
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