Mediation is an out-of-court settlement method that allows people who are parties to a dispute to dec the dispute between them with the help of an impartial and expert third party. Through mediation, the dispute between the parties is resolved quickly, decisively and in a workable manner. The mediation act, as a rule, is applicable to all disputes on which the parties can freely save money. In particular, commercial disputes, severance and notice compensation arising from labor law, as well as overtime wages, material and non-pecuniary compensation lawsuits, inheritance sharing issues, etc. such disputes can be resolved through mediation.
17. Law Office 2018/1547 E. , 2018/12611 K. “text of jurisprudence” COURT : Court of…
ARTICLE 402 OF THE CCP (1) The request for the determination of evidence shall be…
ARTICLE 400 OF THE Civil Procedure Code (1) Each of the Parties may request that…
SUPPORT OF PARENTS TO THEIR CHILDREN 1- GENERAL RULE According to the decisions of the…
11. Apartment 2001/2549 E. , 2005/183 K . “text of jurisprudence” T.C. COUNCIL OF STATE…
17. Law Office 2016/11461 E. , 2019/7615 K. “text of jurisprudence” COURT : Court of…