Elements of the Form of the Official Deed (BK.213)
1)Spelling of the Parties
2) Statements of Will of the Parties
3) Reduction of the Liability Arising from the Payment of Property Tax and Land Registry Fees
4)Registration Request
5)Date and Place of Issuance of the Official Deed
6)Signature of the Parties
7) Pasting a Photo of the Parties (A photo will not be requested from officials representing Legal Entities) TST. 16. md.
8) Sealing of the Official Deed, Signature of the Director and Officer
9) Issuance of the Attendance Number in the Official Year
10) Identification, Registration Number and Addresses of the Parties and Witnesses
* In the official year to be organized for the mortgage facility and foreclosed or mortgaged immovable property to change hands, the notification address must be provided as described in circular No. 2004/14 dated 12.08.2004.
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