
How To Make a Solicitor Request With Legal Aid

People whose financial status is not sufficient to hire a lawyer can apply to the Legal Aid Office operating within…

4 years ago

When Does The Appeal Period For Execution follow-up Begin?

The period of objection to execution follow-up starts from the date when the notification containing the payment order is received(notified)…

4 years ago

Objection To Enforcement Proceedings

The reasons for the objection to the debt may be such as the reasons that the debt was never born,…

4 years ago

Offsetting Time Spent In Detention

... TO THE CRIMINAL COURT File No.: …/… OFFSET FROM PENALTY ACCUSED AT REQUEST : Defense : Subject: my client…

4 years ago


Lower Rent The concept of lower rent may be that the lessee gives the lessee the lease in whole or…

4 years ago

Parties To The Lease Agreement

Parties to the lease agreement In the lease agreement, which can be done orally or in writing, there are two…

4 years ago

Court Of Competent And Competent In Rent-eviction Cases

COURT IN CHARGE OF EVICTION PROCEEDINGS One of the most important issues to consider when filing a lawsuit in a…

4 years ago

Supreme Court Decision On Insurance Service Determination

T.C. SUPREME LEGAL DEPARTMENT E. 2008/9842 K. 2009/7830 T. 4.6.2009 (Declaration of employment monthly insurance premiums Declaration of employment if…

4 years ago

Passive Resistance

T.C. SUPREME 4.CRIMINAL DIVISION 2006/5382 2006/13684 11.7.2006 Passive resistance to the officer on duty ( difficulty not to get into…

4 years ago

The Case For Preventing Invading Water

T.C. SUPREME 14.Legal Department Basis: 2014/3367 Verdict: 2015/1576 Decision Date: 16.02.2015 REQUEST FOR PREVENTION OF WATER ELATION-NEEDS OF THE PARTIES…

4 years ago