Rights that Can be Inherited

Usufruct right; according to the civil code, it can be defined as a right in kind that gives a certain natural or legal person the right to fully use the property on an item belonging to someone else (rights to use and use other than property). The usufruct right is established in favor of a particular person. For this reason, there is an easement right depending on the person. Therefore, this right cannot be transferred to someone else and is not inherited by inheritance.

The right of residence is actually a special form of usufruct right and is the right to use it as a residence in a building or part of it. Unlike the lease agreement, the right to residence is a right in kind and can be asserted against everyone. The Decommissioning agreement is a personal right to work and can only be put forward between the parties. In this regard, the right to residence is a strictly established right established in favor of a person, and this right is not transferred to others and does not pass to heirs.

The easement right of the owner of an immovable property, which gives the right to build or maintain an existing structure under or above his land in favor of a third party, is called a super right. the right of ownership; on the one hand, it provides the owner with a limited real right to the loaded real estate, and on the other hand, it also provides a full right to the construction of the loaded real estate. This right is transferable and passes to the heirs, unless otherwise agreed.

The right of resource is an easement established for the purpose of using the waters in someone else’s real estate. Accordingly, the owner of the land plot may be forced to give the necessary permission to receive and Decontaminate the water. The right of resource, just like the right of inheritance, is regulated between personal easements and can be transferred to someone else and inherited. Dec right of resource can also be transferred between personal easements. The opposite of this situation can also always be decided for.

As a rule, the medium refers to technical installations intended for the transportation and distribution of fluid things such as electricity, gas, water. The right of way can be defined as the permission granted for such installations to be passed through or under someone else’s real estate. As a rule, this right is inalienable and does not pass by inheritance. But it can be ensured that this right can be transferred and passed on to the heirs by deciding otherwise at the time of its establishment.

The right of passage is the right of a real estate owner to provide himself with a right of passage from a neighboring real estate for a full price in the event that he does not have enough passage to get from the real estate to the main road. This right, as a rule, is inalienable and does not pass by inheritance. But it can be ensured that the right can be transferred and passed on to the heirs by deciding otherwise at the time of its establishment.

The legal right of pre-purchase is the right of other shareholders to buy a share if one of the stakeholders who owns a real estate with shares sells his share 3. it is a case of having the right of priority over the person. This right gives them the authority to become the first buyer of this share if one of the stakeholders of the shared real estate sells his share to a third party on the same contractual terms as the other stakeholders. The right of legal presumption is a right that is born directly in the person of the stakeholder in accordance with the Civil Code. For this reason, it is not possible to transfer the right of pre-emption, which is a share-related right, to someone else separately and independently of the share and to pass it on by inheritance.

The right of pre-emption arising from the contract is the right that gives the owner the opportunity to limit his property right to legal action. The pre-trial agreement, in which the right to pre-trial is included, Dec only between the parties. Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, the right of purchase arising from the contract cannot be transferred, but it can be passed on by inheritance.

The right to purchase is an innovation-generating right that gives the right holder the right to become a buyer of a good with a unilateral declaration. When the right to purchase real estate is used with a unilateral declaration, a sales relationship Dec established between the owner of the real estate and the owner of the right to purchase in accordance with the provisions of the purchase agreement. For this, the counterparty does not need to accept this statement. Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, the right of purchase arising from the contract cannot be transferred, but it can be passed on by inheritance.

The right to buy back can be defined as a right that recognizes the right of the owner of the immovable property to buy it back from him if he sells his property to a person. Thanks to the right of repurchase, if a person sells his real estate to someone else because he needs money, he can have the opportunity to buy it back by paying the price of the real estate when his condition improves. The right of repurchase cannot be transferred unless there is an agreement to the contrary, but the right of repurchase can be passed on to the heirs by inheritance.

Can Creditors Request that the Property Be Sealed?

At the request of creditors, sealing is carried out limited to the amount secured. If the creditor has been provided with an assurance, the sealing is not performed, and if it has been done, it is removed.

How Long Does it Take to Ask for the Protection Measures in the Dressage?

One of the heirs or related persons must submit an application for the determination and bookkeeping of the estate within 1 month from the day of the death of the testator. If the request is not put forward within this period, tereke determination (by means of evidence determination) can be made according to the general rules.

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