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How To Replace The Surname Of The Child With The Mother’s Surname?

T. C.


2.Law Office

Principal No: 2018/1306

Decision No: 2018/4719

Date of Decision: 09.04.2018






ABSTRACT: The case is aimed at replacing the common child’s surname with the surname of the plaintiff who has the right of custody exclusively. The right of the custody of the right not to recognize the right to determine the surname of the child in the same legal status as the right to determine the surname of the child in the same legal status, that there is no legal arrangement that prevents the mother from replacing it with her own surname after the termination of the marriage union with the termination of the marriage union. Considering that there is no violation and the child’s surname changed with the surname of the child, the Constitutional Court gave The decision to accept the case should be decided by taking into consideration the decisions of the violation.

(2709 SK m. 10, 20, 41) (4721 SK m. 27, 282, 292, 321, 335, 336) (2525 SK m. 4) (6216 SK m. 50) (ANY. T. 2010/119 E. 2011/165 K.) (ANY. MAH. 25.06.2015 T. 2013/3434 E.) (ANY. MAH. 11.11.2015 T. 2013/9880 E.)

Litigation: At the end of the reasoning of the lawsuit between the parties, the date and number of the cases given by the Legal Court of the Regional Court of Justice have been appealed by the plaintiff.

Ruling: Plaintiff B. Karakol In his petition dated 12.05.2016; On 27.02.2015, we decided to divorce the defendants with the most decision, the common child was given to him by the custody of the EE dated 17.03.2011, the surname of the common child who started school and the surname of the la Karakol and which is the surname of the child before the marriage. he had problems in the transaction, to be the mother of the child related to the process of registering with the sample of the population had to submit a divorce, the respondent father is not common child, disinterested in the child for a long time and not pay child support, the child is also uncomfortable that the child’s surnames differ from the mother and claiming that he wanted to carry the same last name, the child’s surname changed to the plaintiff mother’s surname en Karakol un, and the first court of first instance decided on 18.07.2017. In According to Article 321 of TMK, if the mother and father are married, the child will carry the surname of the family, the father will be understood as ç family için. born on the birth of AE İ.’in mother and father is married, the child born in marriage in accordance with Article 321 TMK.nin according to the father’s surname, the child’s surname after the determination of the surname of the Turkish Civil Code to change its surname after the right of regulation these conditions are not possible in cases where the child’s surname is only mature, but in the presence of conditions in article 27 of the Turkish Civil Code, it is possible for him / her to change his own surname by proving the conditions in article 27 of TMK. as long as the child does not draw the surname of the father on the grounds that the… 14 was decided to refuse the case, the decision of the mother of the Izmir Regional Court of Justice on the decision of the Court on 14.11.2017 with the decision ç… in the marriage of children born in accordance with Article 321 of the Turkish Civil Code of the father On the grounds that he received his surname tem acı, he rejected the plaintiff’s request for appeal, and the claim was appealed by the applicant’s mother.

The case is intended to replace the claimant’s mother’s surname with the surname of the common child.

The trial and collected evidence; joint child AE was born on 17.03.2011 before the date of marriage of the parties, on 18.03.2011 by the defendant father was established by the bond with the father, the parties were married on 22.08.2011 and definitely divorced on 27.02.2015 with the most decision, together with the divorce decree It is understood that the custody of the child AE is left to the plaintiff mother and that the plaintiff mother still has custody rights and responsibilities.

Between the child and the mother is established with the birth of a knight. Between the child and the father, the mother, marriage, recognition or judge is established with the provision. The patrol is also established through adoption (TMK m. 282). A child born out of wedlock shall be subject to provisions concerning children born in their own marriage in the event that their mother and father marry each other (TMK m. 292). If the child, mother and father are married, they carry the family’s surname. However, if the mother has a double name due to her previous marriage, the boy bears her bachelor’s given last name (TMK no. 321).


The name may be changed from the judge on the basis of justified reasons. It is registered and announced in the population registry where the name is changed. Changing the name does not change the personal situation. A person who has suffered a change of name may sue the abolition of the decision to change within one year from the day of learning (TMK m.27). The surname is the one of the most important elements in determining the identity as an individual and an indispensable, non-transferable, which is an indispensable part of the individual, which becomes an inseparable element of the individual and his / her marrow.

Custody; is the whole of the rights and obligations of the mother or father, non-adult children or restricted adult children and their rights and obligations regarding these two issues (AKINTÜRK, Turgut: Turkish Civil Code C.2, Family Law, Istanbul 2002, p. 400). Custody gives responsibility to the parent and authorizes them to make necessary decisions about him until the child is mature. In this respect, custody in modern law is considered to be the sum of rights and obligations, as it includes power and responsibility for providing the best interests of the child as well as a right. The ultimate aim of the custody is to provide the young, who has not yet reached maturity, to prepare for future life as an adult (AKYÜZ, Emine Children’s Law, Protection of Children’s Rights, 2012 p.220). Article 335 of the Law No. 4721 on the right to guardianship stipulates that the non-adult child is under the auspices of his / her parents and that there is no legal reason that the custody cannot be taken from the mother and father. As long as the marriage continues, the parent and father will use the custody together, the joint life is terminated or in case of separation the judge may give the custody to one of the spouses, in case of death of one of the parents and the mother custody survivors, divorce belongs to the party left to the child, custody, custody. and the principle of exercising the powers of the spouses.


In the case of termination of marriage or divorce, in the second paragraph of Article 4 of the Surname Law Nr. a has been revoked by the decision of the Constitutional Court dated 8.12.2011 and numbered E.2010 / 119, K.2011 / 165 and in the justification of the cancellation decision, the rights and responsibilities of women and men during marriage and the termination of marriage. reference to the provisions of international conventions that require them to be and that the spouses, during the continuation of marriage and divorce in terms of the same legal position in terms of the rights they have, the right to choose the child’s surname within the scope of the right of the child is not recognized the right to choose the surname, custody, it was stated that the rule of appeal was canceled due to the violation of Articles 10 and 41 of the Constitution.


In the individual application decisions of the Constitutional Court dated 25.06.2015 and 2013/3434, dated 11.11.2015 and 2013/9880, numbered 20.04.2017 and numbered 2014/1826; The right to protection, care and supervision, or similar terms, is a legal value that must be addressed within the scope of Article 20 of the Constitution because the demand for the custody of the child whose surname has been changed with its own surname is related to the right to custody and the use of the powers in this context. the right to determine the surname of the child, the right to determine the sake of the child’s surname, the right to determine the surname of the child, that the child has a surname for the purpose of determining the membership of a family and that the child and the public are the negative effects of the mother’s surname given to the child should be determined precisely and that the judicial practices cannot be considered to be measured. Article 10 of the Article 10 of the prohibition on discrimination was found to be violated and the same decisions in order to eliminate the violation and the results of the trial to be sent to the relevant court decided to be sent.

The decisions of the Constitutional Court as a result of the individual application are different from the abstract and concrete norm control, and are valid and binding only for the person and the administrative process or decision of the applicant. In the light of the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the violation of the rights determined by the court decision and the derece retrial to eliminate the breach and its consequences to eliminate the consequences of the breach and its consequences ”based on Article 50 (2) of the it is no longer possible to decide otherwise. However, similar judicial decisions made in other cases of the mother’s right to change the surname of the common child with the surname of the above-mentioned custody may be determined by the Supreme Court in the case of individual application, then the violation of the right to a retrenchment in order to eliminate the consequences of the violation. it will definitely appear. The Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights and in the joint protection of the additional protocols, which Turkey is a party “fundamental rights and of the alleged violation of freedom” is primarily generally be resolved in the usual legal remedies in the courts hanged.


Within the scope of these decisions of the Constitutional Court; The principle of m The Good Benefit of the Child inin should also be examined. The most general definition of this principle is the protection of the benefits of the child at all times and under all circumstances. It is the highest principle that guards the officials and officials in all the problems encountered in child law, orders the preference of the solution for the benefit of the child and protects against the weak, the strong (AKYÜZ, Emine). Child Rights Protection of Children’s Rights, 2012 p. 10). The best interest of the child is a criterion, a guideline, which is taken into account in determining what is best for the child in a particular case, which must be taken into account in all matters concerning the child. The superior benefit of the child also undertakes a function that guarantees the rights of the child (YÜCEL, Özge Ufuk University Journal of the Faculty of Law Volume 1 Issue 2, December 2013, p. 117-137). The importance of the child in the best interests of the child, not only the child or the parents, but also the interests of society. Because the social, cultural, physical and psychological positive development of the child will prevent the emergence of harmful behaviors in society in the future (BAKTIR, Çetiner Selma, Velayet Law, Ankara 2000 p.33).


In the present case, the plaintiff mother has the right to have the custody claiming that the child is uncomfortable because of the different surnames, and that he wants to carry the same surname as the mother. stated that she was uncomfortable about not carrying them, expressed her desire to carry the same last name as the mother, and expressed her last name as the mother’s surname and “Karakol” when she introduced herself. It is not suggested that if the surname of the child is changed with the surname of the child, the spiritual development of the child will be adversely affected by the best interests of the child, it can be understood that it is in the best interest of the child to change the child’s surname as the mother’s surname.

In the light of all these explanations; that the mother’s right to change the surname of the child is related to the use of the powers under the right of custody, the right to determine the surname of the child within the scope of the right of custody, that there is no legal arrangement that prevents the mother from replacing it with her own surname after the termination of the marriage union with the termination of the marriage union. considering that there is no violation and the child’s surname will not change (TMK m. 27). While it was necessary to decide on the acceptance of the case, it was necessary to decide on the verdict.


Conclusion: For the reason explained above, the Izmir Regional Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the decision of the Court of 14.11.2017, the first-instance court of the Izmir 8 th Family Court on 18.07.2017, 2017/11 basis, 2017/523 decision No. BOZULMASINA, the first to be sent to a court of law, an example of the decision to be referred to the court of the regional court of justice, upon request, the decision of appeal to the investor to return the investment was decided. 09/04/2018

Aşıkoğlu Law Office

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