Retweeting an insulting tweet on the social networking site also constitutes an offence of defamation. Because elements of the crime…
Supreme Court 4. HD., B. 2017/907 D. T. 2019/6261 24.12.2019 T.C. Chairmanship Of The Supreme Court-4. law office Base Number.:…
Republic of Turkey SUPREME COURT General Assembly Of Law Base No: 2008/3-531 Decision No: 2008/531 Decision Date: 17.09.2008 CREDIT CASE…
1-Information Sources of Roman law: information sources of Roman law form the basis of the law of modern continental Europe.…
Creative and enforcement sources of Roman law: according to the political periods of the novel, The creative and effective sources…
1-way of Case recognition (Actio): Praetors have primarily helped the development of law through case recognition. In other words, IUs…
Events I, who was the mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality in the history of the event.M.G., has published some messages…
Representation In Legal Proceedings 1-Nature (Nature) and types of representation: it is possible for people to make this process with…
TO THE ANKARA FAMILY COURT ON DUTY Has a protection demand. Requester: first and last name, TC. ID Number, Address…
DECISION Court of law warrants. Administrative court full judicial declarations. Referee decisions. Court of Account decisions. Ratified foreign court decisions.…